Comunitat Lotus

Why the name “Espailotus, espai en moviment”?

The term Lotus resonated with me very early on. I wasn’t looking for an original name, on the contrary, I wanted a name that was easy to identify with the disciplines we offer at the centre.

As many of you know, the Indian lotus, which is also known as the sacred lotus or simply lotus, is an aquatic plant. In religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, the lotus flower symbolises purity, non-rootedness and the ability to resist temptation; a symbol of awakening to the spiritual reality of life. The lotus has the ability to be born from the mud and grow on water in a pure and immaculate form, as proof that a bright and pure new life can emerge from the darkest of places.

In addition, in yogic philosophy the lotus flower represents the 7 chakras, the energy centres through which our vital energy flows.

Why “espai en moviment”?

For three very different reasons.

Firstly, because the disciplines we offer are pure movement of the body, and we all know that doing physical activity always means an improvement in health and quality of life.

Secondly, because apart from offering disciplines that involve body movement, they are also disciplines that move us inside, connecting us with ourselves, empowering us, providing us with energy and strength on the one hand, and calm and well-being on the other hand, promoting relaxation, relieving stress and reducing anxiety.

Thirdly, because espailotus is intended to be a space that adapts to the needs of the client and, therefore, we will adapt to their requests and demands and accept changes that may be beneficial to the Lotus community.

Welcome to espailotus!

Mònica Altafaja